Bob Moon & Patricia Anderson's Family History
1859 -
Born |
20 May 1859 |
Massachusetts-Middlesex County |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
Y |
Notes |
- 1860 US Census 06.19.1860 Massachusetts-Boston, Suffolk Co u nty Dwelling# 53 6 / Family# 618 Line# 25: William G Ladd Jr - Head of Household - Ag e 3 5 - Married -Sewing Machine Manufacturing Line# 26: Adeline D Ladd - Wife - Age 30 - Married Line# 27: Edward B Ladd - Son - Age 4 - Single Line# 28: William L add - Son - Age 1 - Single Line# 29: Catharine O Cushing - Unknown Relation - Age 55 Line# 30: Thomas C Ladd - Brother - Age 29 - Married - Cle r k Line# 31: Mary E Ladd - Wife of Brother - Age 29 - Married Line# 32: Almira R Ladd - Daughter of Brother - Age 3 - Si n gle Line# 33: William R Ladd - Son of Bro ther - Age 1 - Single 1870 US Census 07.05.1870 New York-Brooklyn, Kings Count y Dwelling# 589 / Family# 663 Line# 33: Wm G Ladd - Head of Household - Age 4 5 - Marri e d - LubricatingCompany Line# 34: Adeline Ladd - Wife - Age 40 - M arried - House K e eping Line# 35: Edward Ladd - Son - Age 14 - Single Line# 36: William Ladd - Son - Age 11 - Single Line# 37: Francis Ladd - Son - Age 9 - Single Line# 38: Homer Ladd - Son - Age 3 - Single 1900 US Census 06.22&25 .1900 New York-Brooklyn, Kings County Dwelling# 129 / Family# 184 Line# 07: W illiam A Ladd - Head of Household - Age 75 - Ma r ried 50yrs Line# 08: Adelia D Ladd - Wife - Age 70 - Married 50yr s - C hildren 6/2 Line# 09: Edward B L add - Son - Age 43 - Married 2yrs - Cl e rk Line# 10: Georgina E Ladd - Daugh ter In Law - Age 33 - Mar r ied 2yrs -Children 1/1 Line# 11: George H Ladd - Grand Son - Age 1 - Single Line# 12: William Ladd - Son - Age 40 - Single
Person ID |
I2299 |
The Gardiners |
Last Modified |
7 Oct 2011 |